Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Harry Potter Party

We celebrated Haley's 9th birthday Harry Potter style.  She has been reading the books and was so excited.

To start off everyone picked up a wand and some spells.  Then the magic began.  This was a hit, the girls really got into this.

We made a small cake, and lots of cupcakes for the kids.  My favorite was the sorting hats made from caramel apple wraps.  Thank you Candy Bar Cupcakes for the great idea and tutorial - http://candybarcupcakes.blogspot.com/2011/04/harry-potter-sorting-hat.html.  

But we also had snitches, lightning bolts, brooms, and Harry Potter glasses.


We tried to use ideas from the books for the menu, here's the ton-tongue toffee:

and Dumbledore's favorite Lemon Drops:

There were also chocolate frogs(not nearly enough) and Pumpkin Pasties.  We had some Butterbeer too, I just didn't get a picture of it.

I really liked the idea of floating candles so we made some to hang in the dining room.  

For activities we had the students attend classes at "Hogwarts."  First was Charms with the wands and spells.  They also took Care of Magical Creatures where they made a little owl craft.  There was also quidditch practice.  We had plans for Potions where they would make silly Putty, but we ran short on time.

Happy Birthday Haley!

Time to go... everyone took home treats from "Honeydukes" including Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans.

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